
Children's fiction

My children love stories about dragons and magic and, from an early age, they also enjoyed complex plots, characters and language. But this posed a problem, since many books that met these criteria were not appropriate for their ages (4 and 6).

To solve this, I decided to write my own children’s book full of all my children’s favourite things: adventure, fairies, magic, time travel (OK, that one is one of my favourites), talking trees, dragons, the english countryside and alien planets.

For 6 months, all of my free time went into writing this book and, in December of that year, my children received one chapter per day as an alternative advent calendar. They loved it – but that was only the first draft. 

For the next six months, I spent my free time learning how to improve my writing. I read books about writing, listened to podcasts for writers and took an online course.

I am now on the third draft and getting the book ready to send to publishers.

Stay tuned for updates!

Image by pendleburyannette from Pixabay